Cleanliness - Keep work areas (benches, cabinets) clean for next use. If storing supplies within an animal room, place in a sealable container that can be sanitized (no cardboard boxes). PI's must receive pre-approval to store project supplies in animal rooms.
PPE - Use the Protective Personal Equipment (PPE) provided and as directed by signage.
Lighting - Adjusting light timers is prohibited. Contact Facility Manager for assistance with alternate light cycles.
Schedule use of procedure labs with facility manager or using on-site calendar.
Schedule training meetings with CAR and EHS for projects needing "runners" (staff transporting specimens or samples to the PI's primary lab for further anaylsis) to meet safety and regulatory requirements.
Decontaminate surfaces following required procedures. Refer to the Animal Hazard Control form (AHCF)
Provide MSDS for hazardous materials brought into labs to facility manager.
If storing supplies within a procedure lab, place in a sealable container that can be sanitized (no cardboard boxes). PI's must receive pre-approval from CAR to store project supplies in procedure labs.
Notify CAR staff immediately about hazardous material spills and provide information about spill, containment and clean-up.