Urgent animal condition or concerns after hours: 517-884-8527
MSU Police: 517-355-2222
General Emergency: 911
Campus Animal Resources - Main phone, general questions: 517-353-5064
Click system help: 517-355-2000 or clickhelpdesk@msu.edu
Animal orders, billing inquiries, new accounts: CARinfo@msu.edu
Housing facilities, husbandry, feeding questions and concerns: CARinfo@msu.edu
Hands-on training, facility orientations: CARtrain@msu.edu
Training system assistance: ORRS.train@msu.edu
Veterinary consultations: CARvets@msu.edu
Project application assistance through post-approval monitoring, inspections, and incident reporting:
Click system help: 517-355-2000 or clickhelpdesk@msu.edu
General inquiries and concerns: 517-432-8103, 517-353-9705
IACUC committee chair: iacuc@msu.edu
Listserv - Include in body of email "Subscribe IACUC-Admin"
There are several other MSU units that researchers and educators using animals must know to ensure worker safety and public health. Related Units...