Rat Biomethodology
Get individualized instruction and practice in handling and restraint, health assessments, subcutaneous injections (SQ), intraperitoneal injections (IP), euthanasia, and requesting veterinary care.
Target Audience
Laboratory personnel who are new to the laboratory animal science field, those who are new to the MSU animal research community, or those seeking an animal handling refresher course.
- Online training - IACUC Tutorial, Biological Safety and Security - Animal and Invertebrate, Working Within CAR for Rodent Users
- Administrative approvals - listed on an IACUC-approved project and updated Occupational Health medical questionnaire.
View All Dates - Requires NetID Login. Register at least 2 days in advance.
Location info will be sent with your confirmation.
Learning Objectives:
- By the end of the session, you will be able to properly handle and restrain a rat using a variety of methods as described and demonstrated by your trainer
- You will accurately perform a health assessment and be able to fill out a vet health request form and submit it to the veterinary staff as needed.
- You will accurately perform subcutaneous and intraperitoneal injection techniques in at least 2 rats with 100% proficiency.
- You will demonstrate how to use the euthanasia equipment, and if requested, properly perform euthanasia using the technique(s) observed during your training session.
Questions: cartrain@msu.edu